Liver Transplant India, Liver Transplant Cost in India, Liver Transplant Surgery Specialist in India – Dr. A. S. Soin

Different Steps You Must Take Before Undergoing a Successful Liver Transplant

There are two major causes which need immediate liver transplantation- chronic liver failure and acute liver failure. Jaundice, encephalopathy, fluid retention and gastrointestinal bleeding are the major symptoms you can experience during any major liver problem.

If the doctor detects its urgency, you will be prescribed to go for liver transplantation. You can undergo the best liver transplant in India at an affordable price. Here, you will get to know about the preparation steps you have to take before this major surgery.

Consult with a specialist:

After getting prescribed to undergo liver transplantation, you can consult with a liver transplant surgery specialist in India. The specialist will provide you with crucial pieces of information about the surgery. Furthermore, the specialist will ask you about your health status including the integral aspects to detect whether it will be better for you to undergo this surgery or not.

Select the ideal transplant center:

After checking the medical status thoroughly you have to prepare yourself for the surgery. The first one you can do is to set an approximate budget you are thinking off for the operation. According you can search for the top-notch center for liver transplant in India. After receiving the result, you have to check the details of the transplant center, especially the fees they charge for the operation.

You must also check the additional facilities they cater to the patients at the post-operative period. Before finalizing it for your operation, you must check the reviews of the people to know about the transplant center in a detailed manner. You must even check out the advanced latest technologies used by them for the operation.

Attend the evaluation test:

After selecting the transplanting center for your operation, you have to take an appointment for the evaluation test. Nowadays every transplant center despite big or small implements this evaluation facility for the sake of the popularity of the center. With its incorporation, they will check out the medical condition of the patient and compare it with their own decorated eligibility criteria.

You have to pass those criteria to get operated there. The centers have developed this because to higher up the survival rate of the patients of their center post-surgical period. A number of medical tests are performed for this. It includes addiction counseling, heart test, an imaging test, and laboratory tests.

You are included in the list for receiving a new liver:

If you have attained all the eligibility criteria of the center, then you will be included in the waiting list in the search of a new liver. Being all these processes included in an operation, still, the liver transplant cost in India is much lower in comparison to other countries.

Therefore, you may observe that even the foreigners visit in this country for its outstanding treatment post- liver transplant period and that too at a reasonable price. While you are in the waiting list MELD and PELD are two tests which are randomly performed to check the liver condition.

These are the mandatory step you have to take as the preparation for the liver transplant.

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